Our Vision

EMF’s vision is of a diverse, tolerant and inclusive British society where each individual has the opportunity to fulfill its potential regardless of background and where there truly are equal opportunities for all.

In order to realise this vision, EMF carries out the following activities and programmes:

Our motto reads…

‘From the margins to the mainstream’

Evidence of prevailing socio-economic inequalities within British society presents a serious challenge that must be urgently addressed, if socially excluded communities are not to be further marginalised. Integration and active citizenship cannot be achieved by allowing vulnerable individuals to continue living at the margins of society, prevented from playing a full role. As a national minority ethnic-led organisation, EMF strives to tackle existing inequalities. Its approach uses a combination of evidence-based policy and research work, lobbying and campaigning, the building of community assets and grant making programmes. EMF activities are geared towards identifying the unmet needs of minority ethnic communities, providing effective solutions to problems they face and ultimately influencing public policy. Our aim is not only to improve the lives of Britain’s marginalised communities, but to empower members of those communities to fully participate in society.